» Kollektivet.
» Papa Roach - Scars
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And my scars remind me that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel
Drunk and I'm feeling down
And I just wanna be alone
I'm pissed cause you came around
Why don't you just go home
Cause you channel all your pain
And I can't help you fix yourself
You're making me insane
All I can say is
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And our scars remind us that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel
I tried to help you once
Against my own advice
I saw you going down
But you never realized
That you're drowning in the water
So I offered you my hand
Compassions in my nature
Tonight is our last stand
I'm drunk and I'm feeling down
And I just wanna be alone
You shouldn't ever come around
Why don't you just go home?
Cause you're drowning in the water
And I tried to grab your hand
And I left my heart open
But you didn't understand
But you didn't understand
Go fix yourself
I can't help you fix yourself
But at least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
I can't help you fix yourself
But at least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
My weakness is that I care too much
And my scars remind me that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel
Drunk and I'm feeling down
And I just wanna be alone
I'm pissed cause you came around
Why don't you just go home
Cause you channel all your pain
And I can't help you fix yourself
You're making me insane
All I can say is
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
And our scars remind us that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel
I tried to help you once
Against my own advice
I saw you going down
But you never realized
That you're drowning in the water
So I offered you my hand
Compassions in my nature
Tonight is our last stand
I'm drunk and I'm feeling down
And I just wanna be alone
You shouldn't ever come around
Why don't you just go home?
Cause you're drowning in the water
And I tried to grab your hand
And I left my heart open
But you didn't understand
But you didn't understand
Go fix yourself
I can't help you fix yourself
But at least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
I can't help you fix yourself
But at least I can say I tried
I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
» Jag är hos dig igen - Lars Winnerbäck.
» Chempion.
» Gone forever.
Don't know what's going on
Don't know what went wrong
Feels like a hundred years I
Still can't believe you're gone
So I'll stay up all night
With these bloodshot eyes
While these walls surround me
With the story of our life
I feel so much better
Now that you're gone forever
I tell myself that I don't miss you at all
I'm not lying
Denying that I feel so much better now
That you're gone forever
Now things are coming clear
And I don't need you here
And in this world around me
I'm glad you disappeared
So I'll stay out all night
Get drunk and fuck and fight
Until the morning comes I'll
Forget about our life
I feel so much better
Now that you're gone forever
I tell myself that I don't miss you at all
I'm not lying
Denying that I feel so much better now
That you're gone forever
First time you screamed at me
I should have made you leave
I should have known it could be
So much better
I hope you're missing me
I hope I've made you see
That I'm gone forever
And now it's coming clear
That I don't need you here
And in this world around me
I'm glad you disappeared
I feel so much better
Now that you're gone forever
I tell myself that I don't miss you at all
I'm not lying
Denying that I feel so much better now
That you're gone forever
And now you're gone forever
And now you're gone forever
Don't know what went wrong
Feels like a hundred years I
Still can't believe you're gone
So I'll stay up all night
With these bloodshot eyes
While these walls surround me
With the story of our life
I feel so much better
Now that you're gone forever
I tell myself that I don't miss you at all
I'm not lying
Denying that I feel so much better now
That you're gone forever
Now things are coming clear
And I don't need you here
And in this world around me
I'm glad you disappeared
So I'll stay out all night
Get drunk and fuck and fight
Until the morning comes I'll
Forget about our life
I feel so much better
Now that you're gone forever
I tell myself that I don't miss you at all
I'm not lying
Denying that I feel so much better now
That you're gone forever
First time you screamed at me
I should have made you leave
I should have known it could be
So much better
I hope you're missing me
I hope I've made you see
That I'm gone forever
And now it's coming clear
That I don't need you here
And in this world around me
I'm glad you disappeared
I feel so much better
Now that you're gone forever
I tell myself that I don't miss you at all
I'm not lying
Denying that I feel so much better now
That you're gone forever
And now you're gone forever
And now you're gone forever
» Limousin.
» Utkast till ett brev.
» Hey Brother - Avicii
^Så himla mysig låt!^
» Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball
» Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
» She will be loved, Cover.
» Veronica Maggio - Snälla bli min
» 1:a gången ~ Miss Li ~
» Musik.
Dagens drog för att klara sig genom skolan hyffsat bra..

» "Just a horse"
» Nothing like us.

» Nothing like us - Chempion
Här är videoklippet Camilla gjorde till mej och Chemp.
Om ni inte kollar kan jag garantera att ni missa något.
Har ingen aning hur hon lyckas så himla bra..?
» Idag är en sån dag där jag bara vill krypa under täcket och försvinna.
Jo, det är sant. Vissa dagar går bättre än andra och idag är det en dag där jag har en filt runt omkring mej.
Idag kommer allt upp framför mina ögon. Tiden från då jag red Lord-River och Chempion. Allt kommer upp som en film.
Just nu sitter jag och kollar genom olika klipp samt laddar upp en video som Camilla gjorde om mej och Chempion.
Sjukt fin film och man blir bara så himla glad. :)
Här är den videon som jag laddade upp för några veckor sedan. Den andra kommer upp i ett annat inlägg.
Kom på att jag hade glömt skriva varför jag red Chempion istället för Lord-River. Saken är därför att det slutade fungera mellan mej och River. Jag vet inte varför, men det gick inte längre. På träningarna gick det hur bra som helst, men när vi kom ut på vilken tävling som helst så tog det stopp. Det kvittade om det var klubbtävling på 70cm, det tog bara stopp, än om det var GP-kvalet på 90cm.
Men med Chemp fungerade det och då satsade jag det sista på C-ponny. Men tanken var att vi skulle åtminstone nolla en LB och starta en LA innan vi gick åt olika håll. Men vi kom till 5e hindret i LB-debuten och det är väl alltid något, va? :)
Jag är glad att jag fick uppleva dessa 4år, med två helt olika ponnys med två helt olika personligheter som jag förälskade mej i.
Första gången jag hoppade Chempion, det gick rätt hyffsat tycker jag ändå.
Hoppade även River på Pay n' jump'en på Grevagården. Tyckte det gick bra, han var pigg och glad.
Men jag skulle vilja rida River igen, och känna hans kraft. Det kanske fungerar, vem vet? Det skulle ju va helt fantastiskt att kunna ställa upp i en lokal tävling nu i höst.
Bli ett en gång för alla.
Det var lite jag får ur mej. Alla tankar är fastklistrade och jag kan inte tänka klart riktigt.

två bilder från arkivet.
» Another day in paradise - Phil Collins

» Chempion